fredag 19 juni 2015

Midsummer + starting new things

Good evening everyone! Since I bloged last time it's been a whole week. It's because I've been super sick. I had trouble finishing and posting the last post I made but I thought that I would feel better the very next day and that blogging wouldn't be a problem. Oh, how wrong was I there? Probably 8 on a 1-10 scale. I didn't sleep anything that night and not the nights after that either. My stomach felt like it turned upside down and I was in pain, I was tired and I after some days I was feeling very dehydrated too. Worst part is that it lasted a really long time. I didn't start to feel better until maybe Wednesday when I took some pills. Whatever I ate (because I think that's what caused it but I'm not very sure) I hope I'll never eat again. This was the worst I've felt since... I don't even know when I felt this bad last time?

I'm feeling good now, back to my old me. The pills made the difference and I almost regret not taking them earlier. But moving on from that topic. Today was midsummer, it's a Swedish holiday and it basically is to celebrate summer and it's every year close to the summer solstice. You wear flower crowns, eat strawberry cake and if you want you can dance around the maypole. It's fun :)

I didn't really think about blogging about midsummer so all photos I managed to get was some on the cake so I'll post that today. Tomorrow will be the last part of park pics and something different will be happening on Sunday! A lot of people ask me things like: "Could you make a post about your opinion on this?" and "Please blog about what you think about that!". When I a wile ago asked on how to improve my blog a few people wrote what I can sum up as more text. I'm going to try and do that and maybe even starting book review again because so many people asked for it. Book reviwe is the most commonly thing asked for, so I'm thinking about starting that again during the summer! :)

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